In Methodology and PG Bio I discuss my experience, tasting practices and contact information for submission of wines. Here are the beliefs and decisions that motivate this website.

It's fair to ask... why have I voluntarily give up what has been a privileged and rewarding role as a Contributing Editor/Reviewer for Wine Enthusiast? The answer boils down to this:  by so doing I gain the type of journalistic freedom that can never exist in a work-for-hire environment.

Companies have rules, and I have come to realize that those rules, however fair and reasonable, have placed significant limitations on my ability to cover the wine industry as thoroughly as I know I can.

On this independent path I will focus on the boutique wines of Oregon, Washington and California. I will seek out exceptional values, cutting edge wines and limited production wines that should not be missed. I want to guide consumers to explore and experiment, and I want to applaud those wineries who are doing exceptional work.

I am no longer blind tasting the wines I review. Blind tasting eliminates context and mass tastings—blind or otherwise—of dozens upon dozens of wines at a single sitting, which is standard operating procedure for many reviewers, further conceals any true measure of quality in young, recently bottled wines.

It’s no secret that high scores and purchased medals are available from myriad sources. My notes and recommendations can be a helpful marketing tool in addition to whatever else you choose. I am also publishing scores for all wines as it is a hard truth that without scores it is very hard (if not impossible) for wineries to sell their wines in the broader marketplace.

I post up my notes and recommendations quickly in order for consumers to obtain limited-production wines before they sell out. Whenever websites are current these recommended wines will have links to them for direct (DTC) sales.

Along with wine reviews and recommendations this website offers essays on topics such as closures, regenerative farming, proposed AVAs, misleading and vague terms... the list is a long one.

All of my wine writing (here, on Substack and elsewhere) is entirely self-funded. I accept no advertisements, I have no hidden sponsors, and there are no charges or kickbacks from wine sales. I do not organize, sponsor or participate in any ‘pay to play’ wine competitions that basically sell medals. Please send your new releases at the earliest possible opportunity (weather permitting) and email your winery news to me at Your thoughts, suggestions and comments are always welcome.